仪器配置: 激光枪体: F5黄棒枪激光类型: ND:JY500-YAG激光 中国C级蓝宝石调Q开关激光电源: 110V/220V 大智预燃500W激光波长: 双波长1064nm/532nm重复频率: 1-10HZ脉冲宽度: 1-10ns脉冲能量: ≥2000mj外箱尺寸: 640x480x480(mm)机器尺寸: 580x420x420(mm)总重量: 27000g净重量: 17000g储水量: 7000g仪器保修:主机一年,终生维护;治疗范围:1.专业祛各种颜色纹身2.色素性皮肤病变和混合色料形成的色素沉着,真皮斑雀斑,黑痣,胎记,太田痣3.有效祛除各类纹眉,绣眉,浸唇,纹眼线及唇线独特的水流检测系统、更新的注排水系统、故障自检系统、光路识别系统、专用脉冲激光氙灯等等足以说明圣天科技的激光色素治疗仪是能充分值得信赖的 专利的抗震枪体、超大的YAG晶体、陶瓷漫反射枪体、采用紧包谐振腔体、6*6*5倍频晶体和倍频晶体微调的机械结构治疗红色基确实略胜一筹,严格筛选的调Q晶体透过率均≤15%-12%这一指标在国内大多数的激光色素治疗仪中是首屈一指的,这些都使得圣天激光领先于国际前流!Pinciple of TeatmentLase uses the high enegy lase beams emitted by a sapphie to effectively smash pigments inside pathologically changed tissues, i.e. light explosion and photo-themolysis pinciple: the high enegy poduced by the lase is emitted instantly, so that lase beams with a fixed wavelength can penetate the epidemis into pathologically changed tissues within a cetain woking time (12ns), and quickly smash coesponding pigments, which expand apidly and explode instantly due to exteme heat. A pat of the pigment cluste (on the suface of the epidemis) pops out of the body, a pat of the pigment cluste (inside basal tissues) ae smashed into fine paticles that can be devoued by macophages, while some dit and cuticle emaining on skin epidemis ae smashed and decomposed by the pinciple of active cabon explosion, then devoued and digested by macophages, and finally expelled out of the body via the ciculation of the human lymphatic system, thus the pigments in the pathologically changed tissues will fade out and disappea gadually. And yet no damage will be done to the nomal skin tissues in the vicinity since they do not absob lase beams with a cetain wavelength.Scope of applicationsLase mainly teats Pigments at demal level, epidemal chloasmas, blackheads and coase poes. It can achieve the effects of skin ejuvenation, sallow complexion impovement and pemanent hai emoval. It can also emove vaious taumatic and exogenous pigments, including coloed tattoos as well as tattooed eyebows and eye lines.2015年购机享受最大的优惠,赠送最齐全的配件:1. 铝合金包装1只(保护主机)2. 1064激光头1支(清洗深色)3. 532激光头1支(清洗浅色)4. 超能532/1064防辐射眼镜一副5. 激光E光ipl专业黑色防护眼罩一副6. 电源线1条7. 脚塌开关1支8. 带管灌水漏斗1只9. 说明书1份(背有保修卡)10.购机合同1张(保修凭据)11.进口修复膏12小盒